In light of 5g being unilaterally switched on tomorrow I thought I would pop in and write a quick post just reminding everyone that aliens are not real. If you see aliens or UFO’s it is one of two things: Demons or some sort of technology, possible holograms.
I’m not going to go into all of the details of the who, what, where, when, etc. on all of this as I could write an entire post on each thing I will touch on here. I just think this info is important enough to bring to the forefront of your mind so you will be less susceptible to deception.
First of all, there are no such things as aliens. There are a few resources to help you understand aliens are fake and historically demons. This sermon lays the groundwork for the fact that most alien sightings of the past have been demons. To further your knowledge on this I highly recommend the movie Alien Intrusion. Myself, my husband and oldest daughter saw this in the theaters when it came out years ago. It is a great addition to the sermon above. Another documentary on the subject of aliens and demons (that will completely blackpill you) which I have not watched, but listened to a long interesting interview with the documentarians, is Higher Entities: The Lost Tapes.
Second, lets chat about the technological world we currently live in. We have no idea just how high tech some things are out there as they have not been fully introduced to the public. I suspect this is and always has been by design. All part of the global elites agenda for our enslavement. If you do not know what deep fakes are I strongly suggest you look into them. This 20K Hrtz episode, Deepfake Dallas is a fantastic example of just how easy it is to fake someones voice. The following are examples of just how easy it is to fake an image of someone. These amazingly real looking videos of St. Terese and St. Gemma were made by a lay person…not a special effects person…an older lady who took some pictures and popped them in to a website where you can animate family photos.
Ok great so what does this have to do with seeing aliens in the sky?? It all builds on itself, all of this tech. This brings me to the first picture you saw above of the beautiful blue sky and an orange arch in Arch’s National Park in Utah. You see that white stripe across the middle? That is a chemtrail. I have photographed these all over the United States, in Canada, and in Mexico. I started taking pictures of these probably 12-15 years ago. Again, I could write an entire post on this but I will be brief. Chemtrails are not natural. They are not condensation from an airplane…those disappear very quickly. Chemtrials linger for hours and spread out. Chemtrails are full of toxic substances, of which we know are, aluminum and benzene. It has been proven by many that these chemtrails contain biological agents as well and we now know they have contained graphene, which is what is in the covid jab. (Big surprise!). For more information on chemtrails I highly recommend the documentary, What in the World are They Spraying? by G. Edward Griffin (a man whose body of work is impressive, to say the least…The Creature from Jekyll Island alone is an accomplishment enough!)
So what in the world do chemtrails have to do with aliens? Honestly, I am not 100% sure, but I know that these chemicals sure can make a wonderful reflective screen in the sky. Combine that with the technology our government possesses and you have a great set up to fake an alien invasion. What better way to get the entire world on board with uniting us in a one world government, new world order. To further your knowledge on these hidden in plain sight truths, I recommend researching Project Bluebeam, touchable holograms, invisible weapons, EMF weapons, Internet of Things (IoT), and transhumanism for starters. Again, I can do an entire post on each of these subjects. Today is just to get your feet wet and encourage you to do your own research!!
James Corbett, who is a fantastic researcher and has a knack for pulling it all together in his podcast, devoted an entire episode to this subject in 2015, How to Fake an Alien Invasion. I have not finished listening to it, but I respect his body of work enough to link to it even though I have not vetted it fully.
Lastly, how does 5g fit in to all of this? Again, I don’t have that answer fully. I do know the plan for this is to utilize it as a means of surveillance and to connect everything and everyone to the IoT. Your “smart” appliances, your LED lightbulbs (if you know me, you know I urge everyone to get these OUT of your house), your “smart” locks, “smart” cars, etc. Check out my past writings on this enslavement here, here and here. I have spoken to several people who were installing 5g and work for the companies that do this. I’ll have to write more on this later, but these antennas with very low frequency and placed everywhere, tie in to all of this tech. I don’t think we will fully know what their plan is until said plan is unveiled and our world is plunged into even more confusion than it has been this past two years…might I remind you while we were all locked down in our homes in 2020 because of this plandemic, they were busy installing 5g everywhere…all street lamps…replaced…snuck 5g in to all the public schools while all the kids were at home zooming away in their online classes. Trump linked hands with that tool, Elon Musk, to launch a boat load of 5g satellites into low earth orbit. EVERY. SINGE. BIT. of it is nefarious! If you didn’t see that then, it is not too late now to WAKE UP!!! Clean out your eyes and wake others up! Do your own research, don’t use google, snopes, Zuck bolshevik social media, or the likes to do this research and thank God the scales are falling from your eyes. Pray, hope and don’t worry.