Ecce Crucem Domini
Fugite partes adversae,Â
Vici Leo do Tribe Juda,
Radix David, Alleluia

In the 13th century, a Portugese woman who’d been demonically oppressed resolved to do the unthinkable by taking her own life by drowning herself in the Tagus River. On her way to the river, she passed a shrine erected in honor of the great orator and miracle-worker, St. Anthony of Padua. She stopped to pray, one last time. As she prayed, she saw St. Anthony standing before her, saying, “‘Arise woman, and take this paper, which will free you from the molestations of the Evil One.” Then he gave her a parchment inscribed with what is now known as the “Brief (i.e., “Letter”) of St. Anthony,” 1 and she was now free from demonic oppression and the desire to do away with herself.
Another priest friend of ours had seen this prayer as the tagline on my email for many years and gave me a very special gift. Â It is a piece of cloth with St. Anthony’s Brief on it that has been touched to his relics!! Â A brother in his order was blessed to be able to accompany St. Anthoy’s relics while the were traveling from one place to another and they were given these cloths to touch to his relics. Â This brother brought them back to the states and my priest friend was so kind as to get one for me. Â I have been searching for the perfect way to display it. Â I have not found it yet. Â Maybe I need to ask St. Anthony to help me find it!!